After arrival in Amman, the adventure begins by vehicle with a visit to the King’s Highway, an area rich in archaeological sites dating back to the Hebrews, King Solomon, the Crusaders and Saladin. Next day, continue by road to explore the ancient city of Petra, described by D.Burgen as ‘the rose city, half the age of time’. The site was at the heart of the ancient Nabataen kingdom, with many tombs and temples still remaining, all hewn out of the living pink sandstone rock, amongst the canyons of Jordan’s south. Later, transfer by road to Wadi Rum, then saddle-up for 5-days of exhilarating desert riding on well-schooled Arabs, retracing many of Lawrence’s trails. Set off through the expanses of Jordan’s desert landscape, venturing deep into canyons, passing immense sand dunes, stony plains, valleys and dry oases. Experience the towering wind-sculpted rock formations, including the ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ immortalised in Lawrence’s writings, visiting Bedouin tribes along the way. Whilst in the desert, riders sleep under the stars or in tents, meals are prepared over an open fire, while watching the sun set. Finally, transfer by road for 2-nights in Aqaba, searching for souvenirs in the colourful souks, or relaxing along the coral-rich coast of the Red Sea, before returning to Amman for homeward flights.
The tour costs from £995 p/p (ride only) plus a local payment of US$50 p/p payable on arrival in Amman. The cost includes transfers, 4-nights hotel and 5-nights camp accommodation, most meals, baggage transfers during ride, horse, tack and expertly guided activities. Visas will be issued on arrival in Jordan at a cost of US$15.
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